Detailed Speaking Event List:
Note: Many private events at health systems are not listed below
- Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, San Diego, Joyce Kaye Lecture on Patient Safety (5/08)
- Iowa Healthcare Collaborative Annual Meeting, Keynote (8/08)
- Operational Excellence Conference, Utah State Univ., “Lean Methods, Lean Culture, and Error Prevention” (9/08)
- Lab Quality Confab, Atlanta, “Engaging Employees to Embrace Lean and Energizing their Creativity” (9/08)
- Productivity Inc. Lean Healthcare Forum, Nashville, “Hospital Heal Thyself: Using Lean Methods to Improve Patient Care” (10/08)
- Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Guest Lecture in MBA Operations Class (2/09 and 10/09)
- University of Turabo, Puerto Rico, Presentations to Hospital Staff and University Talk (3/09)
- ValuMetrix Services Executive Roundtable, Washington D.C., Keynote Talk (3/09)
- Society for Health Systems Annual Conference, Chicago, “Engaging Staff in Lean Improvements in Patient Care Settings (4/09)
- South Central Association of Blood Banks Conference, Oklahoma City, “How Lean Thinking Helps Hospitals” (4/09)
- Executive War College Meeting for Laboratory and Pathology Management, New Orleans, “Quick and Effective Ways to Continuously Transform People Development in Your Laboratory” (5/09)
- MIT Lean Healthcare Academy, Guest Lecture (7/09) – Video
- Triple-S Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Quality Event, San Juan, P.R.., Keynote Talk (10/09)
- Ontario Hospital Association “HealthAchieve” Event, Toronto, “Bridging the Gap: From Understanding and Using Lean Tools to Transforming Organizational Leadership” (11/09)
- Portland (OR)-area Health System (11/09) – Keynote addresses and presentations to staff (day-long)
- MIT Leaders for Global Operations alumni conference, Portland OR, “Healthcare and Lean Methods” (11/09)
- UniLabs Lean Laboratory Conference, Sweden, “Lean Leadership for Improved Healthcare Value Streams” (1/10)
- Society for Health Systems Conference (2/10), “Training Within Industry for Healthcare” – Summary, Slides
- MIT Leaders for Global Operations Pro-Seminar (3/10), Guest lecture to MBA students
- Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference, ”Eliminating Waste Using Lean Management Practices without Conducting Week-Long Events” (3/10)
- ExL Pharma Summit, Philadelphia (3/10), Lean Sigma & Kaizen for R&D
- Massachusetts Lean Healthcare Practitioners Network, (4/10) – Keynote talk
- Major Medical Device Company, Illinois (4/10) – “Lean methods to understand the needs of our customers”
- Honda Supplier Lean Network Conferece, Ohio (5/10)– Lean healthcare overview
- Shingo Prize Annual Conference, (5/10) – “How Lean Thinking Helps Healthcare”
- NYC Health and Hospital Corporation, (6/10) – Keynote talk at management conference on lean (“Breakthrough”) healthcare leadership
- Lean Healthcare West, (9/10) – Lean Leadership Retreat, “Warning: Signs! From Cautionary Circulars to Proactive Prevention“
- Erie St. Clair LHIN, Windsor Ontario (9/10) – Keynote talk at “Quest for Quality” event
- Michigan Lean Consortium, (9/10) – Lean Healthcare event, See attendee Comments
- KCOE North American Operational Excellence Summit, 10/10, Keynote talk
- Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 10/10, Keynote at “Lean Immersion Day.”
- CONNSTEP Manufacturing and Business Conference, Hartford, CT, 11/10, “How Lean Thinking Helps Hospitals“
- Lean Software Austin (TX), 1/11
- TechSolve, Cincinnati, OH, 2/11, Healthcare Leadership Series
- North Texas Association for Healthcare Quality, 2/11, Keynote talk
- California Association for Healthcare Quality, 3/11, ”Warning: Signs!“
- Shingo Prize Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 3/11, “Warning: Signs!“
- World Congress Leadership Summit on Process Improvement in Healthcare, Chicago, IL, 4/11, “Why Your Hospital Should be Like a Factory… Or At Least Some…”
- Lean Construction Institute, Dallas, TX, 5/11, Value Stream Mapping for Healthcare
- North Texas Society for Healthcare Risk Management, Grapevine, TX, 9/11, “10 Key Lean Mindsets” and “Healthcare Kaizen”
- Southern Illinois Healthcare, Carbondale, IL, 9/11, “10 Key Lean Mindsets” and “Healthcare Kaizen”
- Mainline Health System, PA, 10/11, “How Lean Thinking Helps Hospitals”
- 2011 Patient Flow Summit, Las Vegas, 10/11, “How Lean Thinking Helps Patient Flow”
- Lean & Six Sigma Applied to Healthcare Conference, Plano, TX, 10/11, “Kaizen: Putting the Continuous back into Continuous Improvement”
- ASQ Lean and Six Sigma Conference, Phoenix AZ, 2/12, “Kaizen: Daily Continuous Improvement” (Overall review score was 9.6 out of 10, average for the conference was 8.7)
- Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2/12, “Improving Improvement: From the Suggestion Box to Visual Idea Boards”
- Lean Healthcare PowerDay, Las Vegas, NV, 4/12, “Why Your Hospital Should be Like a Factory… or at Least Some of Them…”
- VHA Georgia’s 2nd Annual Lean Six Sigma Conference, Atlanta, GA, 9/12, “Where Traditional Leadership Goes Wrong: Implementing a Kaizen Approach to Improvement”
- Northeast Shingo Prize Annual Conference, Worcester, MA, 9/12, “Putting the Continuous Back into Continuous Improvement”
- ASAE, The Center for Association Leadership, Healthcare Associations Conference, Chicago, IL, 11/12, “Healthcare Kaizen”
- Texas Association for Healthcare Quality, Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, 10/12, “Healthcare Kaizen and KaiNexus“
- Lean Startup Conference, San Francisco, CA, 12/12, “Parallels between Lean Healthcare Design & Lean Startups” – Video
- American Academy of Emergency Medicine, 2/13, “Improving ED Operations through Radical Redesign and Continuous Improvement”
- HIMSS 2013 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 3/13, “Healthcare Kaizen: Daily Improvement, Not Just Events”
- Lean Kanban North America, Chicago, IL, 4/13, “How Lean Thinking Helps Hospitals – and Patients!”
- Lean Healthcare Conference, Quebec, 5/13, Keynote: “10 Lean Mindsets for Lean Healthcare” and “Healthcare Kaizen Workshop”
- Lean Healthcare Event, Helsinki, Finland, 5/13, Full Day of Lean Healthcare Teaching and Q&A
- Quorum Health Resources, Nashville, 6/13, Internal Lean Leader Event
- Holzer Health System, Ohio, 9/13, Internal Leadership Meeting Event
- UT Health System Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Course, San Antonio, 9/13, Lean & Patient Safety Instructor
- Advanced ICU Care, St. Louis, 9/13, Speaker for Customer Event
- West Virginia Values Collaborative, 9/13, Keynote Speaker for Annual Meeting
- Software Development and Evolution Conference, Winnipeg, 10/13, Keynote Speaker for Annual Conference | Video & Slides
- Lean Construction Institute, Dallas, 10/13, Keynote Speaker for Annual Conference
- NorQuest College Lean Speaker Series, Edmonton, 11/13
- The Lean Startup Conference, San Francisco, 12/13, “Engaging Your Team in Continuous Improvement”
- University of Michigan Health System, 1/14 “Improving the Way We Improve: Healthcare Kaizen”
- Maine Hospital Association Small or Rural Hospital Conference, 2/14, “Transforming Healthcare With Lean Thinking”
- Society for Health Systems Conference, 2/14, “Two Data Points Do Not Make a Trend: Using SPC to Make Better Management Decisions“
- Lean Transformation Summit, 3/14, “Kaizen Success: From Making Excuses to Solving Problems“
- Society for Cardiovascular Patient Care, 4/14, “Applying Process Improvement in an Ever-Changing Environment”
- Shingo Institute Conference, 5/14, “Kaizen Coaching: Improving How We Improve”
- Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, 6/14, CEO Panel Moderator
- Housing & Community Economic Development, Indiana Statewide Conference, 9/14, “Improving How We Improve: Engaging Everybody, Every Day”
- UMass Memorial Health System, 10/14, Leadership Retreat
- Dutch Lean Event, The Netherlands, 11/14, Conference talk on Lean & Kaizen in Healthcare
- Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit, Boston, 1/15, “Healthcare Kaizen”
- Bay Area Process Improvement Network, San Francisco, 1/15, “Lean Healthcare: To Japan and Back”