Thanks for inviting me to speak at the event!
Recent blog posts previewing my Lean Startup Week talk:
Stop Wasting People's Time (in a #LeanStartup or any Organization) by Separating Signal From Noise
How “Process Behavior Charts” Save Us Time and Help Us Sleep Better at Night
See some of my blog posts on this topic or a recording of a webinar that I did for Gemba Academy on this topic.
See, in particular, this post on managing and improving a stable system.
Here is my blog post about the red / yellow / green charts and SPC.
Blog posts and articles by Mike Stoecklein on “understanding variation.”
My blog post and video about how to create control charts (“process behavior charts”)
Other Webinars:
Another webinar by Mark Graban
Other Resources:
Similar simulator, via BBC: “Can chance make you a killer?”
Lessons Learned from the Red Bead Experiment (Word .DOC) via
Red Bead Videos:
The famed 1980 NBC documentary that introduced Dr. Deming to the U.S.: