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My guest for Episode #65 is Reena Friedman Watts, the host of the podcast “Better Call Daddy.” She's also producing a new podcast called the “SNF Spotlight” (focused on Skilled Nursing Facilities).
She started as an intern, a guest booker, and a producer for The Jerry Springer Show and never looked back. She’s hooked on telling the stories of outsiders. There's a long list of shows she has worked on… including Nanny 911, Judge Alex, and Divorce Court, She helps entrepreneurs get seen! Reena is also a Media Marketing Specialist through her company MegaWatts Productions.
In the episode, Reena shares a few amazing stories about working with guests on “Springer.” Why is her favorite mistake “trying to make people what they're not”? Where did they find these guests? Did she ever feel unsafe with the fighting and the crazy situations? Did guests ever lie or make up stories? Spoiler alert: they did.
We also talk about podcasting mistakes and whether she ever thought it was a mistake to start a podcast with her dad.
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Mark Graban (0s):
Episode 65 Reena Friedman Watts, host of the Better Call Daddy podcast.
Reena Friedman Watts (7s):
You know, I started at the Jerry Springer show as an intern.
Mark Graban (15s):
I'm Mark Graban. This is My Favorite Mistake. In this podcast, you'll hear business leaders and other really interesting people talking about their favorite mistakes because we all make mistakes. But what matters is learning from our mistakes instead of repeating them over and over again. So this is the place for honest reflection and conversation, personal growth and professional success. Visit our website at For links, show notes and more, uou can go to, please follow rate and review. And now on with the show, our guest today is Reena Friedman Watts.
Mark Graban (1m 2s):
She started as a producer, get this for the Jerry Springer show and she's never looked back. She is really hooked on telling the stories of outsiders. She does that through a podcast called the Better Call Daddy show. So I'll ask Reena a little bit about that, but she has a marketing media marketing specialist. She has a company called Mega Watts productions. She likes to help entrepreneurs get seen. So before I tell the audience a little bit more about you, Reena, thank you for being here. How are you?
Reena Friedman Watts (1m 33s):
You I'm doing well. How are you?
Mark Graban (1m 35s):
I'm doing great. Well, I'm looking forward to the episode together with you. Cause like I mentioned, I mean, starting with the Jerry Springer show and then moving on the list of shows, Reena has been part of as, as a producer, th that list is long. It includes shows like Nanny 911, Judge Alex, Divorce Court. Like you'd rather be a producer on these shows than to be a guest. Right?
Reena Friedman Watts (2m 2s):
Definitely. Although some of my family could probably star in some of the shows that I've worked on…
Mark Graban (2m 8s):
Each one, a different show. I bet you, you, you, you have a matching. I won't ask you.
Reena Friedman Watts (2m 17s):
I honestly think that's why I got along so well at Springer is because I grew up in Kentucky and the stories were not that far fetched from things that I heard. Oh, well.
Mark Graban (2m 29s):
And, and so w w it'll be interesting to pick your brain a little bit about that experience, but again, Reena's hosting a podcast called the better called daddy show. And I'll ask Reena more about this later, but her dad is featured as a part of this. So you can find it wherever you're listening to this podcast, or you can go to better call And Reena's also producing a new podcast. It's healthcare related called the SNF Spotlight and sniff in this instance means I should have known this about, I had a brain cramp early a couple of minutes ago, SNF…
Reena Friedman Watts (3m 7s):
A skilled nursing facility. So it's a nursing home podcast where we are highlighting healthcare heroes, owners, and operators, directors of rehabilitation, activities, coordinators, maintenance workers, all of the people that go into taking care of the senior community. Yeah.
Mark Graban (3m 24s):
Well, and, and it's been a particularly tough year for people in those settings. So it's great to give them some recognition and yeah, they are heroes, right?
Reena Friedman Watts (3m 36s):
Yeah. It's been a heartwarming experience so far and really eye opening just to all of the changes and regulations and people working doubles and, you know, having to stay separate sometimes even from their own families to take care of the lives of others.
Mark Graban (3m 53s):
Yeah. So thank you for highlighting. And I hope people would go find that as well. I'm going to tell, I know a lot of people in healthcare, someone spread the word about that.
Reena Friedman Watts (4m 3s):
Mark Graban (4m 4s):
So Reena, as you know, there's so much we can talk about here today, but as we normally do, I guess we'll, we'll kind of jump right into asking you to tell a story. What would you say is your favorite?
Reena Friedman Watts (4m 18s):
My favorite mistake I learned pretty early on and it was, don't try to make people what they're not. And, you know, I started at the Jerry Springer show as an intern where I was taking the guests around Chicago and I was actually new to the city as well. So it was great. I got petty cash. I got a pager, you know, they said, take him out on the town. I had vouchers to different restaurants, the House of Blues, I was learning the city alongside them. Then I started booking the guests. I kind of knew what kind of guests they wanted for the show. And I heard the associate producers on the phone and I started imitating them and, and, and trying to see if I could get people to come to Chicago.
Reena Friedman Watts (5m 2s):
And, you know, it's like, when one show goes well, you've, you're like, okay, rinse, recycle, repeat. Right. But that's not necessarily true. Like everybody tells their story and their own unique way. And that's what makes their story beautiful. And what I tried to do is like, once I had one good story and the crowd was going wild, I tried to make people that weren't like that just like my previous guests. So I had one guest, I think it was like the previous show. And she was like taking off her clothes and yelling at the crowd. And she was very boisterous and just confident. And then the, the, the week after I had this guest, I think that was like having a relationship with like her half-brother.
Reena Friedman Watts (5m 47s):
And I tried to make her, like the previous guest, the thing is, is that she wasn't like that at all. She was kind of weird and she was very quiet and she told her story in a much different way. And I like, people are going to go after you. Like, it's not something that you hear every day, what you're doing. Like the crowd is going to boo. You, they're going to think that's weird and you have to go after them. I'm like, that's what the show is. And she could not do that. It did not come across as authentic at all. It was like, not who she was. And so I tried to make her do that. And when you try to make people fake who they are, you can sense that it's very strange.
Reena Friedman Watts (6m 30s):
It's not received well, she doesn't feel good about it. The crowd doesn't feel good about it. The executives don't feel good about it. And I learned a very good mistake in, in that situation. Yeah.
Mark Graban (6m 45s):
Wow. I mean, what, I'm curious, what kind of pressure you were under, like did the show and, and the search for ratings ever, did it get addicted to the conflict and, and were you under pressure to, to, to, to bring that?
Reena Friedman Watts (7m 1s):
Yeah. It's like when you're young and you're measuring, like what a good show is based upon the audience's reaction. When you get a reaction from one story, you try to get that same reaction from your next story. Like I was learning as I went. So I didn't realize by literally just having her say it in her own unique, relaxed fashion, like she did on the phone, that that could have been better or enough to build up to a great reaction. Like not every reaction is going to be hysterics and laughter and screaming from the crowd.
Reena Friedman Watts (7m 44s):
Sometimes you can create shock or confusion or different emotions. And that makes a beautiful story too. And, and that took me a little while to learn, because like, when I got the big reactions, that's like an addicting feeling and you get the kudos from everyone around you. Cause they're like, Whoa, how did you find that?
Mark Graban (8m 1s):
So I was going to ask as a followup question before we get to lessons learned about that, that you've applied in other places, where did you find these people? Do they not self nominate? They called in and said, Hey, listen to this.
Reena Friedman Watts (8m 13s):
It was during the days of one, 800 96-Jerry. I Worked there at the very beginning of finding guests on the internet. I'm sure the majority of guests are now found that way. I mean, even for my own podcast, now I go into a Clubhouse room. I hear somebody pour their heart out and I'm like messaged to them. Like, can you do that again for me? Right.
Mark Graban (8m 36s):
Yeah. And, and there's different ways of finding the, the news stories through. Yeah. So, and especially, I bet going from internet then to social media probably explodes the possibilities, the possibilities for those, those, those, those stories and those over the top people, it's not just the story of the situation. It's the way they, the way they were. I guess another mistake
Reena Friedman Watts (9m 3s):
That I learned there that's along the same lines is I had this guy who wanted to win his ex-girlfriend back. And he was so likable and you loved him and you actually felt sorry for him. Like they were in a relationship for years. And she left him for a biker tough guy. And he was like the sensitive guy and skinny and you know, but smaller and how he was coming here to win her back. And I told the biker boyfriend that before he knocks the guy out of the chair, he has to explain why he's upset with the other guy. It is a talk show. You can't just go out there and knock them out of the chair. That's like an unairable segment. You know what I mean? Like people aren't going to understand where that comes from.
Reena Friedman Watts (9m 46s):
And he promised me he was not going to go out there and kill the guy. But sometimes people's behavior is erratic and unpredictable. And I'm 21 years old, 22 years old, dealing with people that are unpredictable. And he went right out on the stage and knock that guy out with no explanation, no talking
Mark Graban (10m 12s):
Well. So I was going to ask, because in that situation, or other times where the guest was maybe too sedate or too nervous, I mean, how many segments or shows ended up just not being aired.
Reena Friedman Watts (10m 23s):
That was actually thank God. My only one of those, I learned very quickly not to do that again.
Mark Graban (10m 35s):
So, but you tried coaching them up to what, what you needed or what you wanted. But I mean, you, you couldn't tell that he, I mean maybe, and maybe it just snaps, right?
Reena Friedman Watts (10m 43s):
He knew he would, the thing is, is right. You go out there, there's a crowd, there's excitement, there's lights, there's anger. This guy has been bothering his girlfriend for months. Sometimes you say, you're going to do one thing and your body does another. It's kind of like, when you want to say something nice to your kid, and then, you know, you want things to be more diplomatic and it comes out wrong because you're angry.
Mark Graban (11m 13s):
Was it one other quick follow-up question? Was there ever a time where you felt unsafe because of a guest or the dynamics or the fighting?
Reena Friedman Watts (11m 21s):
Yeah, there wa there is one instance that sticks out. There were these two girls from LA and they were much bigger than me and a little older than me. And they had prior altercations with each other back in their home towns. It was a sister who hated her brother's wife. And they literally had thrown down multiple times in LA. You still, like, they were pretty rough. And in between commercial breaks, we had separated them. And I, after I had separated them went the same direction that one had exited the stage. I think she was expecting me to come from the other side of the stage to talk to her.
Reena Friedman Watts (12m 2s):
So I think she thought I was the sister-in-law, but she had her fist clocked back and I just jumped back, put my hands in the air. It was like, I'm not her. Here's what you forgot to say. You need to calm down. We got to regroup. You know, let me fix your hair. And I was scared. Yeah.
Mark Graban (12m 23s):
Yeah. Well, so I'm glad you, you got out of that, but then as you work, you continue to work on Springer. You worked on other shows. How did, were you able to apply that lesson intentionally from your first story about not trying to encourage a guest to be something or somebody that they're not, it was that useful than other shows. Has that been useful on your podcast? Better call daddy?
Reena Friedman Watts (12m 46s):
Yeah. You know, I think that I, as I matured as an interviewer and as I've matured as like an associate producer or producer, I tried to be more situationally aware. I did still make other mistakes. Like I worked on this one show called Kill Reality, and it was a bunch of reality stars living in a house together. And then they had the opportunity to star and like a B-movie. So we filmed them all living together. And then we filmed the making of a movie. And it was definitely a B-movie.
Mark Graban (13m 19s):
What was the name of that? Was that released then? Or was it,
Reena Friedman Watts (13m 22s):
I forgot the name of the movie part, but the show was called Kill Reality.
Mark Graban (13m 27s):
And, and this is the funny thing where then somebody who's been on one of the reality shows continues like they're famous for being a reality star.
Reena Friedman Watts (13m 37s):
Right. So it was like people from Survivor and Real World and Apprentice, and they all had their, you know, opportunity to star in this movie. And they lived in a house together. And of course the drama really happens in the house. So I remember there was some like, sort of big reveal getting ready to happen. Like they were bringing some unexpected guests to the house or something. And I was in there a little bit too long were like, they came through the door with the camera people and the staff is not supposed to be in the house. And I was like, ah, like another one of those moments where like, duh, you know, so I still remember that to this day because I felt like I'm, I'm messed up like a big reveal and it wasn't on purpose.
Reena Friedman Watts (14m 25s):
I just didn't get out quick enough. And so, yeah,
Mark Graban (14m 29s):
That, wasn't a fireable offense though,
Reena Friedman Watts (14m 30s):
That wasn't a fireable offense. Thank goodness. You know, there is the magic of editing and things like that, but yeah, you learn from these things, you really have to like, be aware of your surroundings and timing and storytelling, and what's happening as all, you know, a bigger picture as far as, you know, my own podcast and what I've learned. I was talking to somebody about this today. One thing that I do, because I have a lot to say is when a guest is telling me a story, like a lot of times I'll put myself on mute until they're done.
Mark Graban (15m 14s):
Hmm. Yeah. Well, I, I as well, let me see what my listeners think about this. So, you know, there are times where, you know, I have these reactions. Yeah. I mean, sometimes, sometimes I'll, I'll try to go and edit those out there. There are probably times though, where I need to be better about jumping in and interrupting. I don't know if you've probably now we're just kind of talking podcast or the podcast you're here and people can listen in. Some guests will talk for, it seems like forever. Like they're giving a monologue. And I, there are times where I reflect when I'm like, you know, I probably need to be more aggressive sometimes. And it's just jump in. I don't know.
Mark Graban (15m 54s):
Have you, is that part of your, so I'm trying to mature and get better as an interviewer. How do you handle that?
Reena Friedman Watts (16m 3s):
I literally had a guest that talked almost the entire hour and I had like a podcast scheduled after I think I might've asked like two follow up questions. I had to do a follow-up interview with him in order to even air the segment. Like I was like, I loved your story. I know you've got a lot to say, or we're going to have to do a part two.
Mark Graban (16m 26s):
Yeah. And not use that first part, basically like a redo, you mean or
Reena Friedman Watts (16m 30s):
Redo. Cause I did end up piecing the two together, but like I had so many questions I wanted to ask him and there was no moment to break it.
Mark Graban (16m 39s):
And I guess sometimes depending on the story or the role they're on, yeah. It would, it would, you have some guests who tell some fairly personal stories, like the work that I'm getting, mostly workplace stories, you're, you're getting a different type of story and guests.
Reena Friedman Watts (16m 55s):
Yeah. So sometimes when you go deep with people that have had trauma and you're like on the brink of some good emotion, like you can't break that.
Mark Graban (17m 5s):
So my podcasting mistakes or so anyway, I, I want to go back though, and I still just find this really fascinating, you know, kind of going off of memories now of I'll admit to it. Everyone watched Springer, I guess. Not, not everybody admits it, but I I'm, I'm curious if there were mistakes or, you know, you wonder sometimes like, alright, is, is this a real story? Or how much are they making up a story? Because they know they can come get on TV and get taken around town. As you were describing, like, were there ever times where you tried to flush out, like, okay, is this legit? And you know, I mean, maybe you have one, you have doubts, but it sounds like good TV.
Reena Friedman Watts (17m 47s):
I had one story that I'm not going to lie. And now that the show's over probably so is my NDA. There was a story that was so well rehearsed. Like literally they had all the parties play along. Like, you know, I called them at different locations and I tried to bust them out. They were so well rehearsed. Not only did they fool me, but they, you know, they fooled other people on my team. They were good. And we brought him and then I, there, like there was something that I like, I was like, Hey, when was the last time you slept with him? And w you know, one person said three days ago, the other one was like a couple months ago. I was like, Oh my God, dude, they're totally lying. They came, it's fallen apart.
Reena Friedman Watts (18m 28s):
I was like, if you don't go out there and pull that off, you are walking home. Yeah. I was like, but that was the only time that only happened to me once. I'm sure it happened to other producers though. I was like, you know, you said that she was screwing your boyfriend. I'm like, if you don't go rip her hair out, I'm like, you better go after her. You know what I mean? I was like, I was so mad that I got played.
Mark Graban (18m 53s):
Did they pull it well then how did, how did that? But the thing
Reena Friedman Watts (18m 56s):
Is, is like the security guards, you know, they stop it from happening and like, no, one's really going to get hurt. But I was like, you know, you really had me going on the phone and you guys really rehearse this to pull that over on me. I was like, I better be able to believe that from backstage. And they did, man. They, they got the message, they got the message. I felt bad too. I was like their guy, they gotta go home together.
Mark Graban (19m 23s):
Did, did, did, did they cop to it or did, were they kind of evasive with you or did they say, okay, yeah. You caught us.
Reena Friedman Watts (19m 32s):
Well, I didn't, I didn't give them all a scare. I didn't give them all a scare, but you know, the one that I caught, you know what I mean? So I didn't tell even the other three that I knew I wanted them to just keep trying to play it off. The one that messed up, I let her know. I was like, you're going to be the ringleader here. You're going to hold this story together. Yeah. I think it might've even been better that not all of them knew that they still needed to pull it off.
Mark Graban (20m 2s):
Wow. So we'll have to talk about your podcast, but I'm curious, you know, how you've kind of built upon these different experiences you've had in, in television production of, of different, I guess there are different sub formats within reality shows and television, your company, megawatts productions beyond the podcast. What, what types of marketing work have you been doing?
Reena Friedman Watts (20m 29s):
One project that I really enjoyed was a best-selling author on LinkedIn reached out to me and she was getting ready to come out with a couple other books, one being her first children's book. And another one was like in the self-help genre. And in order for her to up-level her marketing game, she wanted to try to get endorsements from some bigger people. And I love that kind of work. I love that kind of challenge. And I did get a few nos, but I got some yeses that were amazing. And so she hired me to get her like five endorsements. And she had such a list of people that she wanted. I ended up getting her seven and that was very exciting.
Reena Friedman Watts (21m 9s):
And she did hit number one on Amazon, like in the first week that the book came out and I was like, wow, like, look at the power of endorsements. That was so exciting. And I really felt like too, that she saw that strength in me and was able to help me max that out. And then when it went so well with the first book, she was like, Hey, let's try it in the kids genre too. And so actually one of the guys who was on my podcast was someone who endorsed her children's book. And I had never even heard of him, but he was like big in that genre and somebody that she was excited to reach out to. And then I was like, Hey, you know, a way that I could thank you would be to have you tell your story on my podcast.
Reena Friedman Watts (21m 56s):
So I feel like by having a platform, like a podcast, it helps in business because it's a great way to thank someone or to network or to build a community. Like I have other publicists, like sending me people now, like, Hey, you know, this client, I feel like would be great for your show. It's by having a platform it's, it's, you know, scratch my back. I'll scratch your back. Like, it's been great for that.
Mark Graban (22m 24s):
Well, good. And a little bit back to inside podcast baseball, again, as I say, inside baseball, I don't know why that's the expression, but podcast talk. I had a PR person tell me right now, it was actually a guest who was set up by a PR agency. This is a woman who has appeared as a commentator on all the financial networks on TV. And, Oh, well, you know, thank you for being on my, my little podcast. And she said, well, you know, my publicist told me through the publisher going on TV does not sell books. Going on podcasts sells books. So I'm like, all right, well good. Hooray for that.
Reena Friedman Watts (23m 3s):
Isn't that interesting? Yeah, because we have, we build communities. I think that's what it is.
Mark Graban (23m 9s):
And I think there's a deeper connection, you know, not that people are always putting the earbuds in, but somehow I think getting that podcast and that, that guest pumped directly into your ears as opposed to more passive TV watching, maybe that's part of it too.
Reena Friedman Watts (23m 24s):
Do you think that Clubhouse is going to take away from that?
Mark Graban (23m 28s):
Oh, I, I have no idea. I've done Clubhouse once as a listener and once in a room the other day, do you think clubhouse will take away from podcasting? I don't know. I don't know. It's too. It feels like the early days of Twitter where people were still trying to figure out what Twitter was, if that's been figured out, what do you think? Or
Reena Friedman Watts (23m 50s):
I feel like people are building a quick following on there and people are liking, sharing their intimate stories with strangers, which I think that is really interesting
Mark Graban (24m 4s):
And it's not being recorded. So that probably creates a different, it's like a
Reena Friedman Watts (24m 10s):
Safe space, a party line and safe space, a venting platform, a place to get feedback.
Mark Graban (24m 17s):
So, I mean, Twitter didn't kill Facebook. And so I'm sure Clubhouse, maybe just co-exists, it's different. Maybe it's just different than podcasts.
Reena Friedman Watts (24m 27s):
I have found some amazing guests off clubhouse. Now I just interviewed a guy who was in the military and get Mo for four years. And he started questioning his faith upon connecting with the prisoners, what a story. So he went from like questioning his Christian roots to getting a Hebrew tattoo of the word chesed on his arm, which means kindness and leaving the military. And he's now in theater at Yale.
Mark Graban (25m 4s):
That's quite the chain.
Reena Friedman Watts (25m 5s):
Yeah. I found that one on Clubhouse. I listened to another girl the other day who had been locked in her basement for years by her stepmother. And now she's become like an audiologist and she helps children who have like, you know, processing information disorders from trauma and she helps them be able to communicate better. I found that. I mean, there's so many different rooms and topics and I love those kinds of stories. So I feel like it's a great place to find interesting guests.
Mark Graban (25m 37s):
Well, and you have quite the diverse mix of guests and topics. Reena's podcast. Again, it's the better call daddy podcasts. It's a good segue to talking about that. One thing I've loved about doing this podcast compared to other ones I've done. The other podcasts I've done have been pretty niche and pretty focused professionally. So this podcast really opens up basically anybody from any profession who can come up with a favorite mistakes story. So that's been really, really, really fun.
Reena Friedman Watts (26m 7s):
I love that idea that that's really, you know, like good lessons for people. And I feel like too, in all of these personal journey kind of stories, there's lessons and all of that, it can be entertaining. It can be sad. It can be weird. It can be funny. I love that. And I'm having conversations with my daddy that I have never had.
Mark Graban (26m 28s):
Yeah. So, yeah. So I want to tell us the backstory of where you got the idea for the podcast. And did, did it ever feel like a mistake to start doing this with your dad?
Reena Friedman Watts (26m 40s):
There have been a few topics that I'm like, maybe I shouldn't cover for you the whole cancel culture type of reasons, but you know, you're like worried. He might say something that will offend someone, but that's just because of, you know, where he's from or experiences he's had or not being PC or, you know,
Mark Graban (27m 5s):
Cause how, how old is your dad? He's 64. Oh, okay. You know, so it's not too old, but still there's generational differences.
Reena Friedman Watts (27m 13s):
Definitely. And he's not hip to everything, but he's learning a lot. So the idea for the podcast really came with, you know, my entrepreneurial journey. It was like, I kept calling my dad for questions about like, what do you do when the client says the checks in the mail? What do you do when you need to outsource something? What do you do when you need to raise your price? What do you do when you have a difficult client? Like I was calling my dad and my dad ran a company with his parents for 45 years. He managed over 200 people. I feel like he's really good with people. And he's been a really good dad and he has good relationship advice. And there's not a whole lot that I can't share with my dad. And so I was like, let me share that wisdom with the world.
Reena Friedman Watts (27m 56s):
So that was really the first idea. And one mistake I made was having my dad on during the original interview. Like, so I've decided now to just interview the guests, cut down the segment to what it's going to be, then share the story with my dad and then record his reaction, the two of us, and then record the intro. So that is the formula.
Mark Graban (28m 18s):
Did you have to talk your dad into doing it? How tough of a sell was that or was he enthusiastic?
Reena Friedman Watts (28m 25s):
My dad is like, he's a ham. He has always wanted me to create my own show. And now there's technology where it's easy enough for us to do it, but I had to send my dad some earbuds. I probably should get him a mic and upgrade. I had to walk them through how to get on Zoom. That's why I do Zoom. It's easy. And also another thing in the beginning, kind of what we were going back to is, you know, I wanted to get better at my interviewing skills. I wanted to get better at my writing skills. I wanted to get better at booking awesome story skills. And in the beginning I was interrupting people. I was talking on top of people. So I was having to, I guess I didn't have to, but I was rerecording a lot of sound bites.
Mark Graban (29m 8s):
Yeah. Yeah. Just to clean that up and yeah. Yeah. Looking back and it's 80 something episodes, right?
Reena Friedman Watts (29m 19s):
It is going to be episode 100. All right. And I decided to mix things up a little bit and we created a new intro outro and I'm like, what? Better time than to start a season two. Right.
Mark Graban (29m 32s):
Reena, do you have, is there a favorite episode? This is a tough question. It's like asking an author. Do you have a favorite book or an artist if they have a favorite song, do you have a favorite episode or is there one that's really stuck with you? Because it was funny or because it was really powerful or poignant
Reena Friedman Watts (29m 49s):
One. I have to say that was something I was very, very excited about was James Altucher, because I listened to him all summer long on Instagram Live. And he was doing these Instagram lLves with his wife, Robin. And I ended up interviewing him and her. And so that was really special to me because I just felt like I learned so much from him. I've read his books and if I didn't create this show, I'd never, would've had that opportunity. So that one was like really meaningful. Yeah.
Mark Graban (30m 18s):
I'm, I'm failing. I'm clueless or it's a mistake on my part to not know who James is or I don't mate, maybe S I mean, I'm asking because someone in the audience might not know, but I'll, I'll, I'll admit to it, but who, who, who is James?
Reena Friedman Watts (30m 32s):
James Altucher. Oh my gosh. So yeah, he's, he's a podcaster. He's a best-selling author. He was a blogger. He's a chess master poker player, entrepreneur he's like founded and sold multiple companies. He's a made and lost millions of dollars. You should definitely check him out.
Mark Graban (30m 52s):
Well, you've piqued my interest too, for, for one to go and listen to that episode and then go learn more about James. So thank you for that. So I, I learned a lot from my guests, so I appreciate that Reena. All right. Well, our guest today has been Reena Friedman Watts. Her, her two podcasts, as we've been talking about here are the better call daddy show. You can find that, just search better. Call daddy. Yo, you'll find better call Saul, but make sure you don't typo like better call daddy, keep typing enough to find better. Call daddy. See with my podcast, the thing is people search. And depending on the platform, they, they might get the Sheryl Crow song or they'll get my favorite murder.
Mark Graban (31m 35s):
I'm like, Nope, keep, keep going.
Reena Friedman Watts (31m 38s):
It's really funny because there's another show called I think Call Her Daddy. And it's very racy subject matters, but mine shows up very close to her, which maybe I'll get some spillover. Curses is a very popular show. I'm like, Oh, awesome. Thanks for anything that has daddy in the title, I think is good.
Mark Graban (31m 56s):
Or I should have come up with a name that sounded more like a murder podcast. Yeah. That, that maybe that's the key to podcasts.
Reena Friedman Watts (32m 8s):
Mark Graban (32m 9s):
But Reena, I think you've done really well with your podcast. And then also encourage people to check out the new podcast. She's promoting the SNF Spotlight as we, as we continue to celebrating healthcare heroes, as we see the light at the end of the pandemic here. So again, Reena Friedman, Watts, Friedman Watts. That's my most recent mistake going to go have something to drink. Now at the end of the day, that's not water. Reena Friedman Watts.
Reena Friedman Watts (32m 39s):
Are you drinking a gallon a day?
Mark Graban (32m 42s):
No, that's a mistake I'm making. I should, I should keep up with that. So health coach re no, I'm kidding. I'm Reena Friedman Watts. This has been a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing your stories, your reflections in your lessons. This, this has been great. Thanks. Thank you so much. Well, that was, that was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed listening to that. As much as I enjoyed creating this episode to learn more about Reena Friedman Watts, her podcast and everything she does, you can go to I would say, please subscribe. Apple has changed some of the language there. I guess I'm asking you to follow, but either way, I hope you'll check out more episodes.
Mark Graban (33m 24s):
If this is your first time listening, please do rate and review the podcast. Thanks again for listening. I hope this podcast inspires you to reflect on your own mistakes, how you can learn from them or turn them into a positive I've had listeners tell me they've started being more open and honest about mistakes and their work. And they're trying to create a workplace culture where it's safe to speak up about problems because that leads to more improvement and better business results. If you have feedback or a story to share, you can email me And again, our website is