- I write frequently on my blog — www.LeanBlog.org
- I also write (or have written) sometimes on
- the KaiNexus blog,
- LinkedIn,
- the Value Capture Blog,
- and The Lean Post.
Most Recent:
- IndustryWeek, “Boeing Executives Failed to Lead, Waved Off Lean,” April 2024.
- Quality Digest, “Stop Spending Money on Problem-Solving Training; Focus on psychological safety instead,” September 2023
- BMJ Open Quality, “Applying Lean principles to create a high throughput mass COVID-19 vaccination site,” February 2022.
- Becker's Hospital Review, “Every Healthcare Organization Needs Champions of Change to Make Supply Chain Improvements – At All Levels,” October 2017.
- Becker's Hospital Review, “Champions of Change Make the Difference at Franciscan Health,” November 2017.
- Becker's Hospital Review, “Why a Better Hospital Supply Chain Starts with Better Relationships,” March 2018.
- Corporate Event News, “Using Metrics To Determine If Our Events Are Really Improving Or Not,” December 2018
- RealLeaders™, “Measures Matter, but Make Sure Your Success is Real, not Fake,” May 2019
- Recruiter.com, “Younger Workers Crave Instant Gratification. Here’s How to Give It to Them Without Causing Distraction,” November 2019
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care, “Lean: breaking down barriers for the sake of improvement” — Volume 31, Issue Supplement_1, December 2019, Pages 1–2
- CFO.com, “Break the Bad Habit of Overreacting to Metrics,” January 2020
- Recruiter.com, “Here Is the Single Least Productive Thing You Still Make Your Employees Do,” February 2020
- GoLeanSixSigma.com, “How Lean Six Sigma Can Help Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic,” April 2020 (contributor)
Older Articles:
(articles without links are no longer online)
- ChangeThis Manifesto, “How Toyota Can Save Your Life… At The Hospital,” March 2007.
- Society for Manufacturing Engineers Lean Yearbook 2007, “Riverside Medical Center Puts Lean in the Laboratory,” July 2007 (PDF).
- Society for Manufacturing Engineers Lean Yearbook 2008, with Lewis Lefteroff, “Lean and Process Excellence at Kingston General,” July 2008 (PDF).
- LAB Medicine Journal, with Shana Padgett, “Lean Laboratories: Competing with Methods From Toyota,” July 2007.
- Lean in Healthcare Overview, at LeanCEO.com, January 2008.
- TWI News, “Training Within Healthcare, It is just as relevant in 2009 as it was in 1944,” January 2009 (PDF).
- Journal of Hospital Medicine, “Hospitalists: Lean Leaders for Hospitals,” July/August 2010 (PDF).
- FierceHealthcare.com, “How lean management helped hospitals avoid layoffs,” October 2010.
- Hospital Voice (Oregon Hospital Association), with Mike Orzen, “How lean thinking and mindsets support the Triple Aim,” February 2011.
- Global Business and Organizational Excellence, with Jim Adams, “CMCD’s lab draws on academics, automakers, and therapists to realize its own vision of excellence,” April 2011 (PDF).
- For the Record, with Rob Harding, “Lean Management: Thin Is In,” April 2011.
- Quality Digest, with Gregory Jacobson, MD, “Putting the ‘Continuous’ Back into Health Care Improvement,” August 2011.
- Article, Hospitals & Health Networks, with Rob Harding, “Cut Costs by Reducing Redundant or Inefficient Activity,” August 2011 (related article)
- Quality Digest, “Improving Health Care Quality Through Signs or Systems?,” December 2011.
- Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry, “Hospital Delivery Robots: Solving a Problem or Pushing a New Market Opportunity?,” March 2012.
- Quality Digest, “To Better Protect Patients, Health Care Needs More ‘Lean Thinking’,” April 2012.
- The Reporter (Vacaville, CA), “Scared to Death: Worry about hospital errors, not pink slime,” May 2012.
- Texas Healthcare News, “Kaizen: An Exotic Word, Common Sense Principles for Healthcare,” June 2012.
- Internal Medicine News, “Lean in a Land of ACOs and Health Reform,” July 2012.
- BusinessExcellence, “Lean thinking in healthcare,” August 2012.
- Becker's Hospital Review, “Lean as an Alternative to Mass Layoffs in Healthcare,” September 2012.
- ExecutiveInsight, “Instituting a Culture of Continuous Improvement,” September 2012.
- Six Sigma Forum Magazine (ASQ), with Joe Swartz, “Healthcare Kaizen: Daily Continuous Improvement, From Hypothesis to Proven Practice,” November 2012.
- 24×7 Mag, “To Fix Health Care, We Need More “Kaizen,” January 2013.
- Global Business and Organizational Excellence, “Sharing Improvements in Health Care Processes Saves Lives at Franciscan Alliance,” April 2013.
- ASQ Lean Enterprise Division Newsletter, “A Visit to Two Japanese Hospitals “Leaning” Toward Lean,” December 2013 (read blog version)
- Industrial Engineer Magazine, “Good Change: Using kaizen toward a culture of continuous improvement humanizes the healthcare workforce for better outcomes,” February 2014 (cover story).
- Global Business and Organizational Excellence, with Greg Clancy, “Engaging Staff as Problem Solvers Leads to Continuous Improvement at Allina Health,” September 2014 (PDF).
- “Kaizen in Healthcare” – Chapter contributed to the book Management Innovations for Healthcare Organizations: Adopt, Abandon or Adapt? (Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations), December 2015.
- Catalysis White Paper, with Dr. John Toussaint and Dr. Jack Billi, “Lean for Doctors“