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My guest for Episode #45 of the “My Favorite Mistake” podcast is Eric M. Twiggs, the host of the podcast called The 30 Minute Hour. I was his guest in an episode last month, so please take a listen. I've really enjoyed both conversations with him!
Eric is a founding partner and president of The What Now Movement. His mission is to build high performing entrepreneurs, authors, and career professionals, who are prepared for life’s unexpected curve balls.
Eric is the author of The Discipline of Now: 12 Practical Principles to Overcome Procrastination. Scroll down to enter to win a copy!
In today's episode, Eric tells a story about leaving a company to take a new job as a district manager at a video store company. On the very first day of the new job, Eric thought he had made a huge mistake. He didn't quit, because that would have been admitting a mistake… was that a mistake? He stuck with it and ended up learning so much from that challenging role that he calls a “favorite mistake” now.
We also talk about situational leadership, finding your purpose, and the patterns that cause us to procrastinate — and what we can do about it.
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Mark Graban (1s):
Episode 45, Eric Twiggs, host of the 30 Minute Hour Podcast.
Eric Twiggs (7s):
My favorite mistake. Yes, I'm successful, but I didn't feel significant.
Mark Graban (18s):
I'm Mark Graban. This is My Favorite Mistake. In this podcast, you'll hear business leaders and other really interesting people talking about their favorite mistakes because we all make mistakes, but what matters is learning from our mistakes instead of repeating them over and over again. So this is the place for honest reflection and conversation, personal growth and professional success. Visit our website at For show notes, and more related to this episode, go to 45. You'll also find a link to the episode where Eric had me on his podcast.
Mark Graban (59s):
Hi, everybody. Welcome to my favorite mistake. I'm Mark Graban. Our guest today is Eric M. Twiggs. He is the founding partner and president of The What Now Movement. So, because we'll talk about that here today, his mission is to build high performing entrepreneurs, authors, and career professionals who are prepared for life's unexpected curve balls, and that's something we could all be better prepared to do. He is the author of the book, The Discipline of Now: 12 Practical Principles to Overcome Procrastination. So we're going to talk about that today. And he's also the host of a weekly inspirational podcast titled the 30 Minute Hour.
Mark Graban (1m 39s):
So with that, Eric, thanks for joining us. How are you?
Eric Twiggs (1m 42s):
Hey, Mark. It's a pleasure and an honor to be on your show. Yeah.
Mark Graban (1m 45s):
And I'm really looking forward to the conversation. I I've got to ask first though, why the 30 MinuteHhour, like that makes it, why, why, why, why where'd you come up with that name for you?
Eric Twiggs (1m 55s):
Your podcast. We get that question all the time. So the 30 minute hour, it, the funny thing is that most of our episodes go for an hour, but it feels like 30 minutes because of the content. And we have so much fun. It goes by so fast. So that's the meaning of the 30 minute hour.
Mark Graban (2m 15s):
Well, good. And our 30 minutes together here, I know they won't feel like an hour cause you have a lot of good things to share with us. So I'm not worried about that in reverse. So, all right, so we'll get right into the usual question here, Eric, what's your favorite mistake?
Eric Twiggs (2m 32s):
My favorite mistakes. So I was at a point in my career where I realized that what I was doing, yes, I'm successful, but I didn't feel significant. And so I thought maybe I was really going through this discovery process and I thought maybe I needed to make a change. Because at the time I was a district manager and automotive, I had the experienced managers. They can make all their decisions on their own for the most part, but I wasn't feeling fulfilled. So for a while, a lot of people in my company, one of the former executive went over to this video store company and he was over there and I was hearing all these good things about what it's like to work there.
Eric Twiggs (3m 18s):
And, and so I made the decision that I was going to leave, or I was because I didn't feel fulfilled. And it made me if I went to this other company, the videos to accompany, I was going to be a district manager with 13 video locations. I figured that's going to be pretty fun. It's a lot of my former colleagues wrote it with the organization. It ended up being my favorite mistake. And so when I got there, I knew on the first day that I had made a big mistake, I just knew it just wasn't a fit. And I went from, you know, I had these seasoned managers who I could just give them the big picture and they just ran with it to the managers I had literally, I had to explain, okay, if you're faxing a document, you're going to take the paper.
Eric Twiggs (4m 12s):
You want to put it in the fax machine, make sure the fax machines were in it. And they literally, and it was, I regretted, I kicked myself for a long time, but here's why it's my favorite mistake. It's because it forced me to dig into situational leadership. And I had to learn how to, how to deal with people at the different development levels. Again, I had people in my, in my old position, they just needed the big picture, but, but then I learned how to deal with people that need the step-by-step hand-holding details. And the lessons I learned from that, with me to this day, because I deal with people as a coach that are coming from all these perspectives, right?
Eric Twiggs (4m 56s):
Some people I will give them the big picture and they'd go with it. But then there's some people I literally need to say, turn your lighter in the office and energy computer hit the power button. So a lot of handholding, huh? Yes. And now again, I'm not, I'm not a hand-holding by nature. So what it taught me is to create systems. So I have checklists, I have all kinds of things. So if you're that type of person, I hit the send button, you get all your step by step instructions that you create, but I wouldn't have that perspective. I don't think I can have that flexibility without that mistake.
Mark Graban (5m 35s):
Wow. So I mean, how, how tempted were you though to quit on that first day and try to go back to the old job or something. Right,
Eric Twiggs (5m 44s):
Right. Another great question. I've thought about doing that, but it was almost like, it was like a pride thing. I didn't want to have to go because it was like, I'd be admitting that I made this mistake. So I wanted to think that I could make it work. Yeah. I I'd always had, I think running multiple locations is like my it's in my zone of excellence. If that thing, whatever I'm good at it. Right. But my zone of genius is more what I'm doing now, as far as writing, speaking and that type of thing. So I figured, Hey, I can make it work. I've always been good at running multiple locations, but no, it was definitely a mistake.
Mark Graban (6m 22s):
Well, and I, I can't help, but notice, you know, one of the themes on this podcast series is being open about admitting mistakes. Usually some time has passed. And so it's, it's kind of come full circle that you're talking about. Not wanting to admit a mistake in that moment if you had quit. I mean, I, yeah. I, I mean, I guess, I mean, I can certainly understand that there there's that balance of boy, this feels like a huge mistake. Should I, should I leave or should I tough it out? And it sounds like by toughing it out, it actually turned out to be really beneficial for you.
Eric Twiggs (6m 57s):
It did. Yeah. I wouldn't trade that experience for anything. I mean, it really, I think I'm much more of an effective communicator, much more an effective leader than I would have been had that mistake not happened.
Mark Graban (7m 12s):
Do you, do you remember how long it took? You said it sounded like this bothered you for a while. It's not like he came on on day two saying, Oh great. I'm, I'm glad I didn't quit yesterday. That this was a struggle for a, for a while. And you know, how long did it take to come around? It's not like this, this was, this was a real challenging situation you were in.
Eric Twiggs (7m 32s):
I think it was really after I left and got back into the automotive track. So I ended up leaving there. I was, I did it for like three years and I mean, all things considered a handsome success, but when I got back in the automotive track yeah. It felt like, okay, yeah, this is, but, but, but I look back on it. It was really after looking back while I was in it, I think I kicked myself most of the time, but once I got out and was able to reflect and I was able to, and I found myself having an easier time dealing with, I think I was easy to work for because I had developed certain skills that I would never had the opportunity. Here's something else I learned.
Eric Twiggs (8m 13s):
I do think it's good to find your fit because I don't, I don't think I would have ever been great in that environment. And I think if you find your fit, I think you can really become the person that you're supposed to become. If you're, if you're in the right vehicle that allows you to express that.
Mark Graban (8m 35s):
So he has a big, good thing to explore a little bit. So, you know, I don't mean to kick the video store industry, but I I'm old enough. I remember a time where like, you know, we're recording this on a Friday afternoon and there was a time where like, after this, you and me, and we would have been going off to the video store in our respective towns to go find something to watch right. On a Friday night or on the weekend. And now later, you know, it'd be a couple of clicks on the, the TV remote and you know, we've got many video stores available right. On our right on our TV. But one movie I streamed recently, I have you seen the movie soul from
Eric Twiggs (9m 16s):
Yes. Yes. It's all
Mark Graban (9m 19s):
About finding your purpose and your fit, right?
Eric Twiggs (9m 21s):
Yeah. That movie, I don't understand how that's a children's movie. Cause I mean, that's, that's really deep that like I have to, I need to watch it again. I mean it really, yeah. But the message to take away from me is that, you know, I think you have to appreciate the journey. And I think that was the message of the movie he was. So the character was so caught up in trying to get to it, being this famous musician, but he put, he took for granted the other little things in life.
Mark Graban (9m 48s):
Yeah. And then the, the character that was voiced by Tina Fey, you know, you know, on different levels that you have to think about, like, you know, sometimes we're always searching for what we think the perfect opportunity would be. That might be, that might be true in a job search. And when he took the job at that video store company, Eric, you know, it probably, it didn't, it didn't seem like the perfect opportunity on that first day, for sure. But, but so when you talk to people, so as you work now as, as a speaker, which, you know, you sound really, I make a bad pun thinking back to the movie soul, you seem really jazzed about being a speaker.
Mark Graban (10m 32s):
You know, what, what we, one of the videos that's on your website, you talk about finding your fit, finding your purpose. So, you know, w w when you're on stage, what sorts of message or advice do you have for people about finding their fit in life?
Eric Twiggs (10m 48s):
Well, one of the things I would say is focus on your gift, focus on your focus on that thing. That just comes, it comes naturally to you, but it looks like it's a check out for someone from the outside looking in, it looks like it's work, but it's something that just comes naturally to you. And I think you, you follow your path. And that's what helped me to get to the point where I was speaking regularly. Because when I look back, when I look back, I found that I was the most fulfilled when I felt best when I was speaking in front of a group. And I remember, I used to think, like, even when I was a corporate trainer, I would think, man, you know, I can just do this all the time and it will be okay.
Eric Twiggs (11m 31s):
And then I ended up getting promoted and all of that. But, but yeah, so five minute thing. And then finally I was able to get traction when I joined Toastmasters international. So yeah, so the initial mistake I made was done my most favorite mistake. This is another mistake. I thought I had to have everything figured out right before I started moving. And I thought it had to have the perfect thing, but I learned that you can't allow perfect, become the enemy of progress. So finally I focused on the next day I was, I'm just going to join Toastmasters and I got to Toastmasters and started speaking. And then I met someone who trained professional speakers.
Eric Twiggs (12m 12s):
Then I took that core course. And then from there, people kept encouraging me to join the national speakers association. I did that, and that was a game changer for me. So, so my, my big message is really follow your passion and listen to listen to your body. So that's one of the takeaway from this talk, Rick, you and I having, like when I was in the wrong thing, I knew it in my gut. It's like, I just knew I had made a big mistake. And then when you're in the right thing, you just know a lot of times, your body's telling you, this is, this is, this is an alignment. So just really pay attention to that.
Mark Graban (12m 49s):
That's, that's a good thing to learn or a good thing to be reminded of. Don't make, don't make me think about any of that too deeply. I need to stay on track with interviewing you here today, Eric. So before we, before we talk about the book, I'm curious if you can tell us, so when you say the, what now movement, tell us a little more about the name and what you do in that context.
Eric Twiggs (13m 17s):
Yes. I'm the president of the, what now movement. And we started it in April of 2020 because I had my two business partners kid fails. Who's my co-host on the podcast, the 30 minute hour. And then Dr. Sharon H. Porter and we, we wanted to work together. We said, we need to join forces. We're all doing these things. What if we collaborated? And we started just having a conversation about, you know, this was right when the pandemic started and I would talk to someone who was a comedian and they would tell me, well, Eric, I can't go to the improv. I can't go to the comedy store, everything's on lock down. Or then I would talk to another speaking colleague and they would say, I can't go to the hotel ballroom and get in front of a thousand people anymore.
Eric Twiggs (14m 1s):
And some of the things we would hear was I'm going to wait until things get back to normal and that's what not to do. And we were talking to each other and we would say, you know what? They need to be asking what now. And then we said the, what now movement. And that's literally how it came to be. And our mission is to help people, to inspire people, to pivot and to keep moving when, when you run into a tough situation.
Mark Graban (14m 31s):
Yeah, you, you, you beat me to it w right before you said the word pivot, that word came to mind because that word gets used a lot in entrepreneurial circles. And I, I th I'm going to try to draw a parallel. So, you know, there there's a movement called the lean startup movement. Eric Reese is, you know, the author and known for that. And when they talk about a startup enterprise hitting some sort of bump where they need to pivot based on what their customers and what the market is telling them that Pivot's done within the context of mission and purpose. Right? So pivot doesn't mean the, the, the company makes a complete one 80 change of like, well, let me think of a example of, you know, a children's book company is not suddenly going to become a vaccine producer.
Mark Graban (15m 20s):
That's not a pivot that that would might, might be more of a pipe dream than a, than a pivot, as much as we need vaccines right now. But it sounds like, you know, the idea of what now. So I'm going to bounce it back to you of what you think is that as professionals, we've got to figure out how to find a pivot like speakers are trying to figure out or are figuring out how to do more virtual engagements, that that's, that's sort of a, a slight detour, as opposed to getting onto a completely new road. I'm going to mix metaphors here, but, but what are your thoughts about, you know, kind of pivoting without losing your unique sense of purpose?
Eric Twiggs (15m 58s):
Yeah, I think it's adding, you know, additional my, for example, I can adding additional wrinkles. I getting more involved with the, the, the different social platforms, more social media, more virtual things, and, you know, getting on doing virtual summits. Can you add your restaurant? Are there other products and things that you can offer to make up for the fact that you can't have as many people in, in your dining area? So it's just really, you just have to be creative. Is it, is it make getting yourself out there? So, but for me, for example, I used to, I would do trade shows and I would do book signings where I would get with other authors.
Eric Twiggs (16m 44s):
We would go to a location and put the information out there. Well, now we, we do that virtually we'd need to do virtual book tours. So w what are some different way? So the key is instead of focusing on what you can't, you can't do, what can you do?
Mark Graban (16m 59s):
Yeah. I mean, one of my favorite examples of that, my favorite restaurants in, in Texas, when they weren't able to have anyone come in and dine, normally, I think, you know, before the pandemic, they probably did very minimal takeout business. They probably did more doggy bags than they did like pure takeout. Well, so then they started putting together, you know, these weekend brunch meal packs and these, these dinner packs. So instead of cooking up, you know, plate a food for each customer, they were starting to do, you know, larger quantities things that could be kept warm or reheated at home. And they've found such success with that.
Mark Graban (17m 39s):
Once the restaurant now kind of in Texas, at least people can come back into restaurants and dine, you know, limited quantity, but when life gets back to normal, they've, they've just added another level to their business. So let's say if we snap our fingers and we go back to normal tomorrow, like there's still a lot of money to be made using the kitchen mid day when they didn't normally have a lot of diners to use the kitchen, to make these meals that I bet people would still buy.
Eric Twiggs (18m 9s):
Now that I think that's a great example. I mean, I can even give you an example on the 30 minute, from the 30 minute hour podcast, before the pandemic, we used to do it in Ted fells, his conference room. That's where we would record the podcasts and, you know, we'd have it go to YouTube recorded. And then we would go to the different platforms, but his office got closed because of the pandemic. We couldn't go there. So we ended up broadcasting live on Facebook, total game changer, and it's really increased our audience dramatically. And it's so much something we, we would stay with that. Like, we're not, we don't have any plans to go back and do the doing it that way, but we would have never, we had just stopped and said, okay, well, I guess we can't do a podcast anymore.
Eric Twiggs (18m 56s):
We would have never come across this.
Mark Graban (18m 58s):
Yeah. So, I mean, that's another great example of, I mean, clearly there's been a lot of bad, you know, with, with the pandemic this past year, but to see when, you know, out of necessity to see creativity or some sort of pivot, and when people figure out what now, you know, that, that, that, that, that does create some situations at least to be thankful for. And maybe we need that.
Eric Twiggs (19m 22s):
Yes. I mean, there's no accident that most of the fortune 500 companies were birthed in some type of downturn. I don't know. That's not an accident because out of necessity, when you get desperate, you get innovative. Right.
Mark Graban (19m 38s):
That's a good point. That's a good point. So instead of getting, getting down, let's get innovative. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. So you mentioned social media, and so let's, let's use that as a way of transitioning to talk about your book on procrastination, because social media runs the risk of being something that really enables procrastination, or it's a temptation. Do you have, do you have, before we get into the book in, in general, like, what are your thoughts on, what, what would you do? Okay. There are times when I'm guilty of this. So I won't make it about others. Eric, if I find myself procrastinating by scrolling on social media, do you have any advice?
Eric Twiggs (20m 22s):
Well, it's all about awareness. So the key is the key in it. And this is what the book helps you with. It helps you to look at patterns that cause you to procrastinate. So a lot of people that use social media to procrastinate it is that they're pursuing something aspiration may or may not be pursuing something aspirational. They start feeling anxiety about what the next level is going to look like. And they'll relieve the anxiety that they, they get a rush from their social media. So they, they start streaming Facebook. Oh, Hey look, gotta got a message. Hey, so it's almost like the same feeling you get when you're playing the slot machines that, that Dover meet in your staff.
Eric Twiggs (21m 9s):
So that's something to be aware of, but there's apps like there's an app called rescue time. And what it does, it allows you to track how much time you're spending on social media. When you start to see it's two hours, three hours, it helps you to make, and you can even take it to another level where you can have it after a certain period of time, you can have it block your social media access. Yeah.
Mark Graban (21m 32s):
Yeah. I mean, the iPhone has that, that screen. I think it, they call it screen time where you can set limits on categories of apps. And I'll tell you, I've tried that before, but, and then I'll pop up and say like, do you want to disregard the limit? So I'm like, and I'm, I'll admit my mistake of sometimes doing that. So if I were serious about this, I might maybe hand my iPhone to my wife and have her set a password that I don't know, maybe to help save myself from some of that. No matter what I say, don't give me that password, no matter how much I beg and plead, I might need to try that.
Mark Graban (22m 14s):
Well, you know, so the book again, our guest is Eric M Twiggs, and he's got a really interesting sounding book called the D the discipline of now 12 practical principles to overcome procrastination. What, what is one, maybe, you know, do you have a favorite principle that you might want to share with the audience here?
Eric Twiggs (22m 37s):
Well, I think it goes back to clarity and I always say clarity is the starting point of success because when you're what happens is when you're, when you're not clear, it, you start to that, the uncertainty, it just opens you up to saying yes to things that you really should say no to, like, when you're unclear on your destination, everything sounds like a good idea. You want to share the PTA show, or you want to be the vice-president of at all. No problem. But when you're clear on your purpose and you're clear with your, on what you're trying to accomplish, then you can, so that that's, that's why, like, I I've had the privilege of being around a lot of highly successful people and they have no problems saying no, like, no is their default until they have more information, but they're very protective of their time.
Eric Twiggs (23m 38s):
Like they, they treat their time. Like some people would treat money. I mean, they, they, they just, they're protective of that space. And there's a reason for that, because they're clear on what it is they're trying to accomplish that. That's why that's a critical, just chapter three in the book. But when we talk about clarity, clarity is the starting point of success. Hmm. Wow.
Mark Graban (23m 59s):
Do you, do you have a sense, this might be hard to answer, but do you feel like, you know, within, you know, is procrastination getting worse as time goes on? Do you think, I mean, do you end up coaching? Like, is this a bigger problem amongst younger people? Or are there any, like, are there any sort of trends that you have a sense of?
Eric Twiggs (24m 26s):
Well, I, I think it's across the board. I think it's getting, it's getting worse because there's just more and more distractions. There's more things that if you're not intentional and that's the key really just having that goes back to knowing your purpose, but you really have to have certain disciplines in place now, like even your cell phone. Right. So there's a study that they studied these college students and 88% of the survey participants said that they could feel their phone vibrating when it was powered off the thing it's called the Phantom notification syndrome. So, so your cell phone for example, is so distracting and distracting when it's not even powered.
Eric Twiggs (25m 11s):
Yeah. It's harder now just because of all the different distractions. Yeah.
Mark Graban (25m 16s):
So as you wrote the book, I mean, I have to ask them, were there times you procrastinated on writing a book about procrastination?
Eric Twiggs (25m 24s):
Yeah. I have to confess. Yeah. I procrastinated on the procrastination book, but you know what I, because it was that perfectionism thing. And one of the, one of the things I learned from that whole experience is you just have to, you have to write and edit at different times. So you just have to have times where no matter how crazy it sounds, you just get your ideas on paper. I was attending like a, a right. I went to a conference and I think it was the national speakers association. And they had a writing lab and they said, okay, for five minutes, just write whatever comes to mind as a place to your book or a speech, you have whatever. And literally, that's how I wrote most of the introduction of my, because after all, I'm gonna have to edit this.
Eric Twiggs (26m 9s):
But when it came out, I was shocked at how much sense it made. And I got farther doing that. Then when I was trying to write, edit at the same time. Yeah.
Mark Graban (26m 18s):
So it comes back to, like you said earlier, don't let perfect get in the way of progress. And as an author myself. And when I talk to people who want to write a book or are writing a book, I ended up giving very similar advice. Like, I don't think anybody ever wrote a perfect first draft. Nope. Some point you just got to get words down.
Eric Twiggs (26m 36s):
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Mark Graban (26m 38s):
And yeah. So I, I, I, I can see where that, that, that strive for perfectionism could get in the way, but, you know, so thank you for letting me put you on the spot. Did you, so, I mean, I assume, you know, this kind of goes hand in hand, you use the principles and the ideas in the book to get yourself back on track.
Eric Twiggs (26m 58s):
I do. I do. You know, this is going to stay out of crazy, but 70 sometimes I literally have to go back and read chapter six, the no chapter, because the funny, like, it's not that I'll be doing like a blog on that topic or something, then I'll get an offer to do something that sounds great. And I'm just about to say, then I have that, wait a minute, let me back up, you know, does this align with my purpose? My plan is this. I really had to take a few steps back. So now I do, I do a flat and in the book is titled the discipline of now because it requires discipline. And the good news with discipline is it's something that can be acquired.
Mark Graban (27m 37s):
That's a great point. Some of that can be practiced and built up. Absolutely. And it seems like the type of place where we're having as with a lot of things, whether it's writing. And I had a book coach and I'll give a quick shout out, Kathy, , who's quite active in the national speakers association. You may run across her at some point, Eric,
Eric Twiggs (27m 59s):
That's a, that's a great idea. I mean, I think when we talk about the procrastination thing, getting a coach, getting a mentor, getting an accountability partner, those are all ideas that will help you to overcome procrastination.
Mark Graban (28m 11s):
Yeah. So one other question I wanted to ask Eric, you know, about your podcast the 30 minute hour. So I, I learned when we talked before we were recording that you, you like to ask guests a question. That's very similar to the question I asked. So what, what, what is that question and why do you like asking it?
Eric Twiggs (28m 31s):
So here's the question. The question I'll ask you is to tell me about your favorite failure and how you, how it's contributed to the person you become and what it does. It, it, it adds a level of transparency because you know how you, you see people and their social media profile and their posts, and you would think they've got it all together. And it's just the perfect thing. And from the outside, looking in, you're like, Oh, I can't do that. I can't be like them, but like, like I had a guest and we asked her that question and she said, I've never revealed this. Oh my goodness. At my cousin house, it's like you a close, not leaning in like, Oh yeah.
Eric Twiggs (29m 12s):
She told us how she, she got sued for a million dollars for something that was, was bogus. And, but the guy just kept going and it was, and finally she ended up settling and, and then he, she got an SBA loan for the exact amount for this of the settlement. But, you know, we talked about our favorite failure. She felt like a failure when she got sued, when she looks back at it as a valuable experience, because it helped her with perseverance and everything else. Now I'm telling you it's been a game changer. And I appreciate the fact that that's really like a big theme of your podcast, because this has been a game changer for us.
Mark Graban (29m 55s):
Yeah. Well, I, and so, I mean, yeah, that makes you a perfect fit for this podcast to be willing to come on and share your story. There's, you know, certain it strips away the veneer a little bit and it takes a little, you know, it's, it's a vulnerable thing to admit a mistake, but that's the theme here. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. Look, I'm going to admit, and I was embarrassed by this. And Eric was still gracious enough to come on the podcast. Anyway, I was, I think I was 10 minutes late for our pre-call and I don't, I, and I don't do that very often. I was mortified and I was embarrassed about it. So that was, that was not a favorite mistake, but it was a recent mistake.
Mark Graban (30m 39s):
And so, you know, I think it was just trying to help people realize that we all make mistakes and, and the key thing, and it seems like you're very much in touch with this. Eric is reflecting and learning on it as you did from your story. And it sounds like the stories you hear from your podcast guests. So thank you for that.
Eric Twiggs (30m 57s):
No, and that's why the, the, a lot of resolutions fail because people make a mistake and they don't keep going as opposed to, like you said, reflecting on it, learning from it and getting back on track.
Mark Graban (31m 10s):
Yeah. Yeah. That's a great point. So we will we'll end on that note, but Eric, this has been a lot of fun. It was, it was 30 minutes that did not feel like an hour. I think it might, it felt like 15 minutes,
Eric Twiggs (31m 24s):
Like five minutes,
Mark Graban (31m 29s):
But this has been a lot of fun. Our guests again is Eric Twiggs. The name of the book is The Discipline of Now: 12 Practical Principles to Overcome Procrastination. The website is www.TheDisciplineOfNow… Don't procrastinate. It's available now, right?
Eric Twiggs (31m 47s):
For sure. Sure.
Mark Graban (31m 49s):
You don't want to hear someone say like, Oh, I'm going to buy your book next month. No, please go ahead and do that and check, check out the book. And then I hope this is still true, Eric. You're you're going to have me as a guest on your podcast. So I'll look forward to,
Eric Twiggs (32m 5s):
And I'm going to ask you the failure question too. And I look, I look forward to hearing that answer,
Mark Graban (32m 10s):
Give that I'm going to give that some thought and I'm going to make sure I show up five minutes early. I'm still making up for the 10 minutes late thing again, my apologies for that. No worries, Eric. Thanks a lot. And look forward to talking to you again sometime. Thanks again. I want to thank our guest, Eric Twiggs. Thank you for listening. And to find show notes. For this episode, you can go to, and don't, you can enter to win books from previous guests. You can go to Mark to learn more. Thanks for subscribing. Please rate and review us too. If you have a chance, I hope this podcast inspires you to reflect on your own mistakes and how you can learn from them or turn them into a positive as our guests.
Mark Graban (32m 60s):
I've had listeners tell me that they've started being more open and honest about their mistakes in the workplace. And they're trying to create a workplace culture where it's safe for people to speak up about problems because that leads to improvement and better business results. If you have feedback or a story to share, you can email me And again, our website is
Mark Graban (33m 26s):
See you next time.